i. Making realistic medium term revenue forecast/projections;
ii. Strengthening the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) processes through constant interaction and monitoring of Agencies; iii. Reconciliation, on a Monthly basis, the actual receipts/collected revenue on all direct and indirect revenue inflows into Federation and Non-federation accounts through the Presidential Revenue Monitoring and Reconciliation Committee (PRM&RC);
iv. Evaluation and analysis of budgeted revenue performance (monthly/quarterly/yearly);
v. Preparation of Fiscal Strategy Paper (FSP) to Review the operational performance of different Revenue Agencies/sectors;
vi. Review Government strategic objective in the oil and gas sector and review of domestic oil and gas policy;
vii. Monitoring the ‘Implementation of Performance Management Framework’ (PMF);
viii. Analysis of revenue proposals of GOEs and MDAs;
ix. Monitoring of compliance of GOEs and MDAs with FRA and other relevant laws;
x. Monitoring and reconciliation of Customs collections and remittances by banks; and
xi. Monitoring actual revenue performance and remittances of GOEs quarterly.
xii. Formulate Government Fiscal Policy on the required adjustments and changes in Taxation, revenue and expenditure for purpose of economic growth, stabilization and equity;
xiii. Evaluate and report on impact of fiscal policy on the economy;
xiv. Review fiscal developments in the economy, trends and patterns of taxation, revenue, expenditure, budget balance and others;
xv. Prepare annual report on fiscal policy measures and tariff amendments; conduct research, generate statistics and maintain data bank on fiscal policy matters; and
xvi. Interpret Government Fiscal policies to implementation Agencies.
Organogram of Revenue and Fiscal Policy